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What type of employee survey should I implement in my organization

Posted on 7/10/2019 by Elizabeth in category: survey software articles
The employee survey is becoming more diverse and varied. In the past, employers would simply send out a yearly employee satisfaction survey, but today there are numerous types of employee survey software and methodology to choose from. For those not familiar with this type of survey, it can be challenging to know where to start. Here are some suggestions of the types of employee surveys you can implement in your organization.

1. Employer Improvement Surveys

These surveys provide employees with the opportunity to offer their employer constructive criticism. Employers can use the information they collect to identify areas of weakness and strategize ways of improving their organizational processes.

2. Employee Onboarding Survey

Your employees' onboarding experience is important. Employee onboarding online survey software typically isn't anonymous since it collects employee-specific results that can lead to more in-depth conversations and action planning. Sending out onboarding surveys show employees right from the start that your organization values their feedback and that you'll take action on this feedback.

3. Employee Engagement Survey

The employee engagement survey tool measures the elements most essential to employee performance in your company. It's best used as a way of promoting increased performance and organizational change. These surveys typically measure the following engagement factors:

- Job-Person fit/connection
- Workload/resources perceptions
- Manager relationship
- Purpose and meaning
- Cross-dept. cooperation
- Impact/recognition
- Empowerment/autonomy/accountability
- Opportunities for growth

Employee engagement surveys are typically up to 50 questions or so, and are most effective when they're customized to your company. Results are provided to all managers and action planning meetings are held in the organization by all workgroups. The focus of the process is on organizational improvement and change.

4. 360 Degree Feedback Survey

Small-business owners often find the two-part 360 Degree Feedback survey useful. The survey’s first part is where you request feedback about an employee’s behavior and performance from their supervisors and co-workers and if applicable, customers. The second part asks the employee to give a self-assessment regarding their behavior and performance and to also respond to the feedback others provided you about them. It can be a useful employee development and team strengthening tool you can use to invigorate and bolster your workforce.

5. Employee Exit Survey

Employee exit surveys help you get an understanding of how individuals who leave your organization perceive it as an employee in transition. It can help you to implement changes to better retain loyal, productive employees and attract cream of the crop talent to your organization. Choose an exit survey that provides you with information on why your employees are leaving, where they're going and what type of experience they had while working for your company.

Whether you want to implement just one of these types of employee surveys or all, you stand to benefit in multiple ways, including improvements in attracting top talent to your organization, retaining loyal, experienced employees, increasing your customer base, and growing your company’s bottom line. All are necessary to help your company grow and thrive.
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