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The invaluable benefits of conducting an anonymous survey

Posted on 12/14/2016 by Elizabeth in category: survey software articles
It’s likely you have filled out a customer survey at some stage of your life, and whether or not it’s named or anonymous probably had an impact on the exact nature of the feedback you left. When you’re asked to put your name to a survey, along with other identifying details, it’s often the case that you won’t want to say anything that’s too harsh. Therefore, it stands to reason that to get the most honest responses, an anonymous survey cannot be beaten.

By using online survey software to gauge real customer attitudes and opinions, there is no real electronic trace through which you can link responses to any identifying information. This is particularly useful where feedback could be viewed as sensitive. It’s therefore is a very powerful survey tool with a variety of applications.

Often respondents are reticent in terms of leaving frank feedback for fear there could be repercussions to them in some way. This is true both for customers asked to give feedback on services received or on products purchased, as well as for employees who are asked to complete workplace surveys. With these situations in mind, utilizing anonymous survey software should be a prime consideration.

Honest and blunt feedback is arguably one of the most important ways of gauging how customers and employees alike are responding to your business, and can enable you to plan ways of improving your services for the future.

One downside of receiving anonymous feedback is that you are unable to follow up any serious issues that are flagged up. Having said that, you can go on to change your services, so certain issues never happen again.

Anonymous surveys enable you to easily pinpoint areas that require to be changed, and as you are seen to make these changes within your organization, customers and employees also modify their thinking. Building up trust in your organization is imperative, and when the people who matter understand and see that you’re actively listening to them and taking their opinions on board, they’re more likely to place their trust in you, consequently increasing business. Or in terms of your employees, work harder for you.

Before you decide whether an anonymous survey is right for your company, it’s crucial to keep in mind all of the above. With the correct advanced survey software, your surveys can be both anonymous, and personal to each respondent.

In short, anonymous surveys improve the honesty and accuracy of feedback, as well as potentially boosting response rates.

Contact us to learn how you can implement an anonymous survey in your organization.
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