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Seven mistakes you may be making with your customer questionnaire

Posted on 4/12/2017 by Elizabeth in category: survey software articles
Customer loyalty can either make or break your business in our competitive market today. Using customer feedback in a survey tool is a great way to gain knowledge on how to improve your retention levels, referral rates, and your overall bottom line. There are some common mistakes, however, that you want to avoid when creating your customer questionnaire.

1. Mandatory Answers

When your customers are unable to submit your poll, online survey, or feedback form because they haven't filled a mandatory field out, it can be frustrating to them. Some respondents either can't or don't want to answer all of your questions. There might be one that they would like to skip, but if you have it set as mandatory, they don't get this option and are required to answer it. This could cause them to skip the whole survey altogether or just pick any answer to move forward. This can lead to inaccuracy of your results and/or high abandonment rates. Skip logic built into your survey can overcome this.

2. Too Many Questions

Keep in mind that your respondents are helping you out by responding to your survey software, therefore, keep it brief for them. Nobody wants to or even has the time to click through a handful of pages in order to complete the survey.

3. Not Branding your Surveys

You've built that relationship with your consumers. You can use this emotional connection to take the time to fill out your survey. Ensure you brand your survey using colors and logos that your customers will recognize as being you. This can help to gently coax them into helping you out.

4. Not Listening

The feedback you are getting from your customers with your survey software is important since it provides you with insight on what they like or dislike about what you are selling whether it be a product or a service. It's important that you listen to what your customers have to say so you can improve to exceed their expectations. By exceeding their expectations you are creating advocates for your business which is a great marketing tool.

5. Leading your Respondents

Another big mistake is to ask leading questions. These are questions that subconsciously or consciously prompt a certain answer from your customers, which won't provide you with accurate results. An example of a leading question is: Should concerned dog owners immunize their dogs? On the other hand, a more neutral question on this topic would be: Do you think dogs should be immunized?

6. Not Ensuring your Customers it's About Them

It's important your customers know your online survey software is for checking their satisfaction and needs and give them a chance to speak their minds. They need to know you care and that any reported problems will be handled in real-time.

7. You Provide Yes/No Questions

Yes or no questions can sometimes prove to be useless for business. They don't provide you with any context. They also make it difficult for your customers to answer since they can't clarify their answers or give meaning behind them. Always give your respondents a space to document their thoughts.
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