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Purpose of implementing a school survey for parents

Posted on 9/9/2020 by Elizabeth in category: survey software articles

Regardless of the roadblocks and hurdles inherent to the process, you simply can't ignore the proven benefits and importance of a parent survey tool.

Although each school system will be different and there are a number of unique goals for every educational program, the overall goal of parent online survey software is relatively consistent. The main goal of most parent surveys and what they're trying to gain towards the school, education in general, and their students are to enhance the learning environment in specific ways or in general through collecting and understanding parents:

• Perspectives
• Opinions
• Perceptions
• Attitudes

By evaluating both the staff's feelings around parent involvement and the parents' existing thoughts on the school's climate, schools can obtain a better idea of the way in which they must improve. This is a crucial step since, as a lot of studies have shown, involvement of parents in schools has a substantial effect on student performance.

Studies show family engagement in schools:

• Reduces absenteeism
• Improves student achievement
• Restores parents' confidence in their kids’ education

Students with parents who involve themselves tend to earn higher test scores and grades, show improved behavior, and have better social skills.

There are a number of school survey types that measure a whole range of factors from bullying to mental health to alcohol and drug use and more. The school climate survey is one example of a popular type of survey. School climate refers to the character and quality of school life and is based on certain patterns of parents', students', and school staff's experiences of school life. It reflects things like:

• Goals
• Norms
• Values
• Learning and teaching process
• Interpersonal relationships
• Organizational structures

What Does School Climate Survey Software Measure?

A school climate survey measures an array of various environmental facets, depending on the goals of the school and the measurement variation being used. Many staff and teacher surveys of school climate measure the school staff's understanding and knowledge of things like:

• School safety
• Training needs
• School leadership
• Career and intentions
• Students and learning
• Shared decision-making
• The teaching experience
• School climate

Parent School Surveys and COVID-19

The coronavirus has changed the way education is served to children today and the manner in which teachers deliver this education. A parent school survey in today’s environment can help educators learn about how parents are coping with at-home schooling and change in family dynamics that are occurring.

School surveys can help school management build and maintain parent relationships. It can help alleviate parent concerns when results are acted upon by its feedback. The information collected could help the school learn about and understand parents' concerns, improve school programs and facilities, and usher in changes necessary in this dynamic environment.

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