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NoviSurvey Version 3.0 released

Posted on 4/2/2010 by NoviSystems in category: survey software news
Version 3.0 of our survey software NoviSurvey has been released. The new version includes the following:

New features:

  • New invitation model based on invitation groups, includes survey invitation statistics, survey invitation parameters, and a full survey invitation log
  • Added option to hide message "Select x of y options" for multiple choice questions
  • Added option to resend invitations to people invited previously but who have not responded to the survey
  • Ability to make matrix segment required for type Label with cell type "Radio button"
  • Ability to display matrix segments to the left of row text in matrices
  • Ability to display rating scales from high to low in matrices
  • Handling of deadlock in high volume surveys


  • Fixed CSV export for non-Latin and accentuated Latin characters

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