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NoviSurvey Version 2.3 released

Posted on 10/15/2009 by NoviSystems in category: survey software news
Version 2.3 of our survey software NoviSurvey has been released. The new version includes the following:

New features:

  • Added warning when the completion action is set to "Close browser"
  • Added logging for requests from unsupported browsers
  • Modified encoding of invitation email such that they are displayed properly in outlook express
  • Added scale for ranking matrix segment and ranking questions to reports
  • Enforce max length value for answer when editing HTML element
  • In survey invitation tab, sort available person group alphabetically
  • When copying a survey, set status of the copy to 'Design' when the status of the master is 'Open'
  • Record login data and last page accessed when the application restarts and the session persist across the restart
  • Added support for showing values of survey parameters to respondents
  • Added navigation from the login UI to the user registration UI
  • Added tool to merge 2 organizations
  • Consolidated admin tool under /s/admin
  • Added "Help me choose" interface in Page element add/edit UI
  • Added means to change the status of a survey from the survey list interface
  • Moved survey status field to the deployment tab in survey setup interface
  • Added ability to register for a new account from the login page


  • Ensured that details for selected page is shown in survey page list after deletion of a page
  • Ensured removal of user from user tracking component upon logout
  • Ensured that survey response fields respondents and entered-by are refreshed before saving a survey response. Avoids "Duplicate object" error from NHibernate.
  • Fixed display of elements for selected page in page list when returning from a page edit
  • Fixed editing of conditions where the condition edit would be lost after pressing OK
  • Fixed error when person or user files with duplicate rows are imported in the address book or the organization pages
  • Fixed pre-population of a ranking question using shapes when the browser specifies a locale associated with a character other than a dot for the decimal point
  • Fixed insertion of seed data for instances of SQL*Server with a default date format of dd/mm/yyyy
  • Fixed unintentional changing of the built-in admin login name in the profile page
  • Fixed editing of first name, last name, or email field in address book, where the edits where ignored and not reflected in the UI
  • Fixed error when trying to add a blank owner to a person list in the address book or to a template or to a library
  • Fixed switch to another language when taking the survey when the localized survey pages are not defined fully
  • Fixed copying of surveys with null for invitation email fields when using Oracle
  • Fixed enforcement of concurrent access
  • Fixed handling of Unicode characters
  • Fixed handling of the culture parameter in the survey URL
  • Fixed error "Index must be within the bounds of the List" when reordering pages in the survey page list
  • Fixed generation of user name for UPN login
  • Fixed assignment of persons to an organization upon import of users from a file when cross organization sharing is disabled

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