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NoviSurvey Version 2.2 released

Posted on 7/22/2009 by NoviSystems in category: survey software news
Version 2.2 of our survey software NoviSurvey has been released. The new version includes the following:

New features:
  • Enhanced data tracked for logged in user; adjusted display of the data in organization list
  • Added ability to search organization name, contact user, and 'invitation from' name in organization list
  • Added email to contact user name in organization list
  • Added support for organization selection in Browse UI
  • Consolidated dynamic client side scripts in Matrix questions            
  • Added support for client side caching of images when taking a survey
  • Added survey responses logging capability for server performance
  • Removed unnecessary autopostback behavior for check boxes in multiple choice questions with an 'Other' option and no free text data entry box 
  • Added wait message when moving between pages when taking a survey  
  • Recovery from concurrency error when taking a survey
  • Optimized default invitation messages in English and french to pass spam filters
  • Removal of navigation buttons from the survey preview mode when initiated from the survey page list
  • Fixed "no session" error when resuming a survey
  • Enforcement of a maximum number of invitation emails sent per organization per invitation mailer duty cycle
  • Support for randomization of elements in survey pages
  • Changed notation in survey invitation and pipe to [token] from ${token}
  • Added support for controlling the display of the page title and introduction to respondents in SurveyPageAddEdit


  • Fixed access to help from the Admin tab
  • Fixed error when deleting 'Other' answer in multiple choice question when there are responses for the answer

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