Blog articles

NoviSurvey Version 2.1 released

Posted on 6/15/2009 by NoviSystems in category: survey software news
Version 2.1 of our survey software NoviSurvey has been released. The new version includes the following:

New features:
  • Implemented client ping that keeps session alive until the browser is closed
  • Added support for required option for ranking questions
  • Added predefined invitation email for English and french when creating a new survey
  • Support for constraining the width of tables with many columns in reports through the wrapping of some of the columns
  • Support for searching responses in browse UI
  • Support for editing of responses in browse UI

  • Fixed generation of report to PDF on Firefox
  • Fixed "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when editing a survey after log in through the authentication cookie
  • Fixed display of comment box when choosing "Other" option for multiple choice questions with radio buttons
  • Fixed report generation for matrix elements when columns and rows are randomized
  • Fixed upgrade procedure when more than 1 database migration script needs to be run
  • Fixed display error in PageElementAddEdit when logged in as administrator
  • Fixed navigation to prior page when resuming a survey

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