Blog articles

Novi Survey version 5.6 released

Posted on 4/10/2012 by Novi Systems in category: survey software news
New features and fixes included in this release include:

  • Response completion can be shown in the portal as the number of completed questions over the total number of questions
  • Validation rules in surveys can be disabled
  • Skip logic elements can forward the participant to a URL
  • Organization users with analyst privileges for some surveys can access the reports for the surveys in the portal
  • Replies to invitations are forwarded to the 'from' address for the invitation group, if defined, and to invitation group owners otherwise
  • The back button can be removed from the completion page
  • The text and tool tips for the forward navigation button in the first page, the last page, and the completion page can be customized
  • Fixed selection state of table when the browser back button is used in Chrome and Firefox
  • Enhanced response auditing capabilities
  • Questions with no answer are not shown in the response detail screen
  • Substitution token notation can be escaped by repeating the opening and closing brackets (e.g., [[Company]])

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