Blog articles

Novi Survey version 5.10 released

Posted on 10/9/2012 by Novi Systems in category: survey software news
New features and fixes included in this release include:
  • Date and times in the authoring screens and the reports can be shown in the user's time zone. 
  • Surveys can be copied en-masse to multiple organizations 
  • Reports can be copied across organizations 
  • The collection of surveys in a report can be modified when the report is copied 
  • In report section elements for questions or scores, multiple data series can be defined. 
  • The width and height of charts can be customized 
  • The X and Y axis title of bar and line charts can be customized 
  • The Y axis for bar charts can be formatted to show percent values 
  • The total height of bars in stacked bar charts can be shown 
  • Titles can be added at the top, bottom, left, and right of charts 
  • The orientation of 3D pie charts in reports can be customized 
  • The number of responses in a chart data series can be included in the legend for the data series 
  • In reports, scores can be averaged across responses 
  • Constant values can be displayed as horizontal lines in bar charts and line charts 
  • Font family and font size styling instructions are added automatically to invitation emails to match the information displayed in the rich text editor 
  • When showing a response from an alert or a completion email, the demographic information for the respondent is included if the survey contains a demographic question

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