New features and fixes in this release include:
- Support for derived scores
- Support for displaying a subset of scores in a report section element
- Support for specifying the width of text boxes and drop downs list in matrix questions
- Support for hiding row labels in matrices
- Support for row headings in matrices
- Support for encoding of values in export to facilitate automated processing of the export data
- Support for radial charts in reports
- Support for making multiple copies of an element in one operation
- Fix for export of data for matrices of drop downs
- Support for conditions on scores
- Support for conditions on response culture
- Support for regular expression conditions for conditions on response parameters
- Enforcement of the ability to define scripts through a role
- Support for specifying the values to use in tabular export to indicate options selected and options not selected
- Support for partial save in web farms
- Support from introductions and conclusions in report section elements
- Support for scripts in report section elements
- Support for removing the title page in reports
- Support for dynamic parameter filters based on values in the report URL
- Support for disabling the automatic numbering of sections, section elements, and questions in reports
- Support for displaying score interpretations in report when the report is in the single response mode