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How to plan your benchmarking survey using survey software

Posted on 5/16/2019 by Elizabeth in category: survey software articles
Benchmarking is where one company compares its performance metrics and business processes to industry best practices. Generally, the dimensions measures are cost, quality, and time. The results will help you make improvements and do things faster, better and cheaper.

There are many ways to approach the benchmarking survey creation that will provide you with valuable insight, comparisons, and data. A successful benchmarking survey, at the end of the day, will collect data you need to offer valuable results the participants can understand. The results are what it's all about.

Planning Your Benchmarking Survey

The best places to plan your benchmarking survey are by having a candid discussion with your target audience. You need to know the goals of your benchmarking survey to get the most out of it. Identify what they're concerned about — is it compensation strategies, business operations, procedures and policies, etc.? What type of information would your audience find valuable?

Depending on how big your survey audience is, it may be enough to have one-on-one conversations. However, for larger groups, you might decide to conduct some focus groups. You might even consider developing a task force for helping to define your study.

You may want to incorporate existing information for augmenting the data you gather for even better insight into best practices and trends. Keep in mind a lot of surveys attempt to gather too much data and become a burden to the participants.

Implementing Your Benchmarking Survey

To make the implementation of your benchmarking survey easy, you should use professional online survey software. Besides the convenience of designing, planning and implementing your benchmarking survey online using a survey tool, some other benefits of using survey software for your benchmarking survey may include:

- Expert guidance
- Professional, customized reports in minutes
- Real-time results
- Customizable filters

Data filters are completely customizable and made to work together which allows your users to view the information in almost limitless ways. You can generate customizable reports to present primary performance information in a simple to read format. There’s a charts and graphs feature, ratios, key performance indicators and more you can generate in mere minutes.

You can apply any combination of filters to generate meaningful and unique analyses for your business and easily and quickly report on performance indicators, trends and other analytics in various formats.

Then, your next step is using your survey too, send out your survey to gather up responses. Once the responses come in, start reviewing the results. The feedback from your benchmarking survey can give you individualized, meaningful data intelligence enabling you to keep customers and clients loyal to your brand and implement improvements attracting new buyers and subscribers to your products and services. Moreover, executing a properly planned and executed benchmarking survey can give you an architectural blueprint to help your business realize a competitive advantage, while also identifying and building on strengths and improving or eliminating weaknesses. Get started on planning your benchmarking survey today.
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