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Five tips for designing and conducting your training evaluation survey

Posted on 11/10/2022 by Elizabeth in category: survey software tips
A training evaluation survey is perhaps a good (and probably the best) way to ascertain whether your training program has truly armed an employee with the skills and knowledge they need to deliver tasks and perform excellently. Training is an expensive investment by companies, so it is only normal for companies to want to make the most of it for their employees and, consequently, your company.

Below are tips to note when designing and conducting your training evaluation survey:

1) Keep it short.

If you want a high response rate on your training evaluation survey, keep the survey length and questions short. Else, you may get less quality feedback, which does not always give the full picture. Only include what is necessary and relevant to your goals in the survey. You should definitely not cram everything in there to make it cumbersome and strenuous.

Any number between eight to ten questions would be the ideal number of questions to include in your survey. Any survey that takes more than seven minutes to finish reduces the completion rate by more than five percent. No company wants to hear this, naturally.

2) Make sure the training evaluation survey is anonymous.

Training evaluation surveys provide you with valuable insight into your training program from the staff's perspective. Keep in mind that the employee is often the highlight of the survey, and you don't want to treat them as an afterthought. Ensure you let the employees know the survey is anonymous when using survey software. That way, you can get untainted responses.

Getting feedback from the employee about the training program should be a top priority.

3) Test the survey.

You should run your survey by a colleague, family, or friend to ensure it is simple to use and understand. Then adjust it if you need to.

4) Use survey software.

Using offline or online survey software for your training evaluation survey is bound to reduce the amount of time people will spend on the survey. Making the survey tool or software mobile-friendly would also reduce this time further. Most people spend a lot of time on their phones, so it is only sensible to take advantage of this.

5) Identify and set your objectives.

The main reason for no significant results when using training evaluation surveys is a lack of clearly defined goals. What is the point of taking feedback if your training programs have no set goals?

Companies should set the correct expectations and objectives for the training and learning program before even thinking about getting the most responses for your end-of-course survey. Then, decide what you want to get out of the survey. The survey questions will be based on these set objectives. Then and only then would the responses make meaning and be able to change things.


So, here are tips to note when designing and conducting your training evaluation survey. Follow these tips and you’ll see a dramatic change in your business growth.
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