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Five blunders to avoid in deploying your customer service survey

Posted on 3/25/2015 by Elizabeth in category: survey software articles
A customer service survey tool can help your business gather specific information you need about how your customer service crew is doing. One that is well constructed and follows certain guidelines lets you get first hand feedback on how effective your outreach is.

It just takes one bad experience to turn a customer into a marketing nightmare. So it's important to check with your customer base regularly to make sure that problems are being handled effectively and quickly.

When you are checking how your customer service department is doing, your customer always gets the last word. That's exactly what a survey does.

But the survey needs to be worded correctly, be the right length, and target the right segment of your customer list. It's easy to make a misstep along the way. Here is a look at 5 blunders to avoid.

Blunder: Not Specific

If you don't have a specific, definite reason for the survey, don't ask people to fill it out. You need to determine:

  • Who to invite
  • What questions to ask
  • The problem you need feedback on
  • The time period the survey covers for customer service situations

It's essential that you have just a single reason for your survey. You have one purpose and each question supports just that topic.

Blunder: Forget to Invite People

This seems obvious, but it is often overlooked. You don't create a survey, then send it out to everyone on your list. Or rather, you can, and you'll get a few responses trickling in.

You need to respect the time of the people you are asking to fill out your survey. Do that by targeting the right segment of people on your list. Then send just those an invitation to fill out the survey. This is a critical step.

Adding a thank you gift upon completion will up the number who respond significantly. Coupons or a discount code are excellent choices.

Blunder: Confusing Wording

The people filling out the survey are in a hurry. Make each question very clear. Ask precisely what you want to find out. This is no time for subtlety. Avoid double negatives, industry jargon and acronyms.

A mix of ratings, yes/no, multiple choice and text boxes usually work best. First ask a specific question with ratings, yes/no or multiple choice. Then add the text box in a follow up question to let them elaborate, adding their own responses in their own words.

If you use rating questions, make each point on the rating scale distinctive. For example, "excellent" is too broad. "Exceeded expectations" is better.

Blunder: Wrong Days

If you let customers have access to it on Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday, you'll get much less response than if you do it Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. People tend to clean out their inboxes on Monday, and your poll will probably be one of the ones chosen.

Blunder: No Testing

Online survey software makes them easy to construct and launch. But with Murphy in charge, you know what can go wrong will. Be sure to proofread your survey and test it before letting customers tackle it.

You'll lose future responders if it doesn't launch correctly when they click it. And make sure responses can be successfully submitted. After taking the time to fill it out, your responders need to see that the data is uploaded for use.

Survey software has made them easy to produce and fill out. By avoiding these 5 blunders, you'll make the most of your efforts.
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