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Exceeding customer expectations through a customer service survey

Posted on 12/3/2013 by Elizabeth in category: survey software articles
These days you can get a glimpse of what your customers think about your customer service through social media. But that is all it is: a glimpse. Not everyone is on social media, nor will every customer voice their opinions on social media, whether good, bad or indifferent. To find out in more detail what your customers think about your services, you need to utilize a customer service survey.

For startups and relatively new companies, a customer service survey designed with online survey software is a relatively new concept. This is particularly the case where a new business owner is focused on cash flow, his income statement, and perhaps his balance sheet.

Yet, with increased competition, locally, nationally and abroad, business managers are realizing the value of a customer service survey to become more competitive in the marketplace, in addition to the ease of its implementation thanks to online survey software. Another benefit of online survey software is that you can focus on specific target markets, whether that is a particular geographic areas, past customers, repeat customers, or new customers for example.

The Benefits of a Customer Service Survey

The fact of the matter is, businesses need to boost customer satisfaction through better customer service in order to attract new customers and keep existing customers in the pipeline. As more than one expert has denounced, it costs more to obtain a brand new customer, than it does to retain an existing one.

A customer service survey used as a survey tool is an excellent way for businesses to interact with existing customers to determine how they can service their customers better. They help companies determine if they are only meeting customer expectations, or hopefully exceeding them. If a business is failing to meet customer expectations as evidenced by analytics derived from a customer service survey, then can take steps or develop strategies to improve their service to their existing and new customers. In the end, the goal is to retain and attract more customers to improve sales and profits margins.

Acting on the Results of the Customer Service Survey

Because it can be an overwhelming task for business to try and obtain customer responses, track them, measure feedback and perform analytics, an online survey software tool can make the seemingly overwhelming chore a whole lot easier. A survey tool that uses survey software to create and deploy a customer service survey can be customized to any company's needs.

While it is one thing to learn more about your customers' opinions and attitudes, it is quite another to make use of the data, information, and feedback you have collected. Even the best customer service survey built by advanced online survey software can only do so much. The results need to be taken into account to make notable strategy adjustments or practical changes.

All things considered, it is tough to improve your company's customer service if you don't know what your customers want or need. That's where online survey software can help beautifully.

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