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Best practices for implementing an employee opinion online survey

Posted on 2/20/2012 by Elizabeth in category: survey software articles
Treating employees with respect, empowering employees, offering promotional opportunities, arranging employee perks, supplying good working conditions, and procuring good benefits are all factors that contribute to an employee's satisfaction level. So, how do you determine what your employees think and feel about each of these factors?

An employee opinion survey is a valuable survey tool employers use to gauge and measure their employees' opinion, attitudes, motivation, morale-level, and general satisfaction with their work environment. Employers use employee satisfaction surveys to make decisions concerning job duties, benefits, working conditions, and more. Using survey software, employers conduct employee surveys to help retain employees and reduce employee turnover.

By conducting employee opinion surveys, you can make your employees not only feel they have a voice in your company success, but a place in changing the morale of the company. Employee satisfaction surveys are often the survey tool that is a catalyst for positive change in an organization.

That said, employees may have some fear and concern when expressing their views on company and employee issues. They may feel that that the information they provide may be used against them. While this concern may be unfounded, it is a real. Following best practices when implementing an employee opinion survey through online survey software, may help your employees be more forthcoming in providing their deep-down thoughts and feelings.

Here are a few quick best practices for implementing an employee opinion survey:

1) Assure anonymity. One of the most common reasons for poor employee respondent rates in employee satisfaction surveys is the fear that the employee's answers will be tied back to them. As an employer, you need to make it absolutely clear that responses won't be matched back to individuals. One way to do this is to use an independent third party to administer the survey tool.

2) Tell employees the reason for the survey. It is only natural that employees may be suspicious of the intentions of an employee satisfaction survey. To counteract this, explain the reason for the survey. For example, if your company was recently involved in an organizational structure change, like a merger or acquisition, and you want to see how your employees are handling it, make sure you tell them that is the reason for the survey.

3) Report results timely. Don't sit on the results. Not only is it essential to communicate the overall results of the survey as soon as possible to employees, but implement positive changes from the survey results quickly. Online survey software makes it easy to analyze and share results of an employee satisfaction survey.

4) Show leadership support. It's important to show support for the employee satisfaction survey from organizational leaders at all levels. Employees need to know that the survey isn't simply a human resources formality, but rather an important survey tool requested and supported by management. It's especially important that first-level supervisors and managers show their support, since they typically have the most day-to-day interaction with employees and may be responsible for implementing workplace changes as a result of the survey.

With an accurate perspective of employee workplace views obtained from on online survey software tool, organizations can identify the root causes of job-related problems and create solutions for improvement. An employee opinion survey provides insightful information for employers to use to improve workforce job satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity.

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