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A human resources survey helps an organization make better employee decisions

Posted on 5/9/2012 by Elizabeth in category: survey software articles
A quick, efficient, and cost-effective method to gather insightful information from your organization's employees and departmental units is a human resources survey administered through an online survey tool will help any enterprise become more successful.

To get the most benefit from a human resources survey, it should be conducted at least annually or bi-annually, if not monthly using online survey software. When conducted using online survey software, your HR survey is more easily deployed and results can be analyzed in a more user-friendly manner.

HR surveys not only help to improve a company's workplace environment, but also help to increase job retention rates, raise productivity, and decrease employee turnover.

It is important to note that there isn't just one type of human resources survey tool. Rather, there are many.

Some of the most popular human resources surveys are the annual performance review surveys, exit interview surveys, and 360-degree surveys. For instance, 360-degree surveys not only help human resources executives pinpoint potential leaders in the organization, but help employees understand how their individual performance and contributes are perceived by co-workers who they closely and regularly interact with.

Entrance surveys and hiring processes surveys are also involved in the mix. An overall review of state of the company survey is another common human resources survey. Employee engagement surveys have also been getting a lot of buzz lately in human resources and business executive circles because getting employees engaged is seen as instrumental in propelling businesses forward, while controlling costs.

A human resources survey is conducted for a plethora of reasons, depending on the needs of the organization. For instance, it may be focused on the employee in order to boost employee satisfaction, engagement, loyalty, and overall job performance. Or, human resources surveys are often employed through online survey software to decipher causes of poor performance, employee dissatisfaction, or internal communications issues.

One quite popular reason that companies implement human resources surveys is to facilitate organization change. In the midst of an organization change, a human resources survey can be extremely helpful in planning the change, during the change, and after the change.

Because every business culture is unique and different, it behooves organizations to deploy an HR survey. Human resources surveys help company leaders obtain discerning feedback in order to make better decisions, but it demonstrates to employees that their opinions matter -- particularly if you act upon the results of the human resources survey tool. It shows to your employees that you are making an effort to know and understand their opinions -- and using them to make their work life better and enhance the business.

When engaging employees in this way, human resources surveys convey a very strong message of collaboration and cooperation. It provides a strong tool that can be used to open up the lines of communication within your business.

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