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Boosting donations with an event evaluation survey for fundraising events

Posted on 4/13/2022 by Elizabeth in category: survey software articles
On the matter of surveys, and by extension, event evaluation surveys, there is a not-so-popular fact: if you’re not ready to make use of data extracted from either online or offline event evaluation survey software, do not initiate them.

If you have started gathering data from event evaluation surveys, without the manpower or strategy to implement your findings, take a pause.

Why do we collect this information with online survey software? So that we can improve and adjust. The idea behind event evaluation surveys is to learn more about how the last fundraiser went, and then utilize that knowledge to impact the changes we want to see, probably in the next fundraiser.

To put it clearly, firms who are better able to use survey tools to get accurate results from the event evaluation surveys will be able to plan better for the next one and stay in business longer than their competitors. In the fundraising industry, the emphasis is on relationship building. Without it, there is no basis to find and successfully get donors; this shows how important it is to ensure that you find donors and retain them.

So, this is exactly why surveys are used.

It is your obligation as a fundraiser to interact with this prospect and discover more about their interests, principles, and special connection to your organization. Then, of course, you must ask for what you need.

How Event Evaluation Surveys Boost Donations for Fund Raising Events

Event evaluation surveys do more than merely collect information. These surveys can also assist you with volunteer activities, donor conscription, event scheduling, and a variety of other tasks.

Below are ways event evaluation surveys boost donations for fundraising events:

• It helps engage people in ways that go beyond monetary requests.

For many donors at your fundraisers, building quality friendships and relationships with them helps to lay a foundation for further engagement, even beyond your fundraising cause.

• It demonstrates the worth of the donor’s input.

Surveys show donors how valued they are by the fund raiser and how well you appreciate their input to the greater good, which is your mission for the fundraising. After all, everyone wants to help save the world in some way, and fundraising is an important aspect of this.

• It strengthens their ties to your organization.

When donors see how valued they are through event evaluation surveys, it helps strengthen their resolve towards helping you and your organization. They know what you’re about, and having seen it firsthand, want to do more.


The focus for any type of survey tool is to collect feedback, and there are other factors to consider while creating a survey. Surveys that are too long will produce unsatisfactory results. Surveys done with survey tools that focus solely on "me" rather than "you" (the receiver) will also elicit few relevant responses. It is advisable to focus on developing an event evaluation survey free of any complications to obtain the desired feedback.
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