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Substitution tags
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In many fields for the systems, special content can be added to the field in the form of a substitution tag. A substitution tag is a piece of text that will be replaced with the appropriate content when the field is displayed in the context of a response, of an invitation email, or of a report.

Tags supported depend on the context of the field (e.g., the tags available in an invitation email may not be the same as the tags available in a report). In most cases, the tags can be accessed directly from the 'special content' section of the rich text editor. In some cases (e.g., the header for responses itemized in a report), the tag must be typed in directly into the field.

Tags supported in the system are as follows:

Survey tags

Demographic tags

  • [FirstName]: the first name for the person
  • [LastName]: the last name for the person
  • [FullName]: the first and last name for the person
  • [Email]: the email for the person
  • [JobTitle]: the job title for the person
  • [Company]: the company for the person
  • [Department]: the department for the person
  • [Phone1]: the phone 1 data field for the person
  • [Phone2]: the phone 2 data field for the person
  • [Location]: the location for the person
  • [Address1]: the address 1 data field for the person
  • [Address2]: the address 2 data field for the person
  • [City]: the city for the person
  • [State]: the state for the person
  • [ZipCode]: the postal code for the person
  • [Country]: the country for the person
  • [Custom1]: the custom 1 data field for the person
  • [Custom2]: the custom 2 data field for the person
  • [Custom3]: the custom 3 data field for the person


  • [ScoreN]: partial score where N is the index of the partial score
  • [TotalScore]: total score

Survey response


System configuration:

Question pipes: see Substitution pipes and Generation pipes
