Church Vitality Survey To Be Completed by Persons Age 11 and Older |
(C) Copyright 2015 Melvin F. Schell Version 151130 |
1. |
Select the name of your church from this drop down list:
An answer is required
2. |
Please select the denomination or type of church you attend:
Note that the denomination is shown as the last 3 characters of your churches name. |
3. |
You must enter your unique ID Code, your email address, or your first and last name.
The use of a unique ID code means your answers are totally confidential! |
4. |
Please select {0} response(s)
5. |
6. |
Please select {0} response(s)
7. |
Your current family information or relationships:
Only for those 18 and older
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
8. |
What is the highest educational level you have completed?
Please select {0} response(s)
9. |
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
10. |
How long have you been attending this church?
Please select {0} response(s)
11. |
Church membership status:
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
12. |
Read all of the answers, then choose the one that BEST describes your beliefs:
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
13. |
When He lived on earth, Jesus Christ was human and committed sins, like other people.
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
14. |
Would you say that you have been ‘born again’ or have had a ‘born again’ experience - that is a turning point in your life when you committed yourself to Christ?
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
15. |
How would you describe your spiritual life?
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
16. |
Choose the answer that you believe BEST describes God:
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
17. |
How often do you attend worship services at this church? (Not small groups, Sunday School, etc.)
Please select {0} response(s)
18. |
How often do you attend a small group meeting sponsored by this church other than worship services?
Please select {0} response(s)
19. |
My experience serving as a volunteer in this church can be described as follows:
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
20. |
How many hours do you volunteer weekly in all charities or ministries including this church?
Please select {0} response(s)
21. |
How many of these hours are spent weekly sharing your faith in Christ?
Please select {0} response(s)
22. |
On average, how much time do you spend each day in Bible reading and prayer?
Please select {0} response(s)
23. |
How long have you been a loving and obedient follower of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
24. |
Check up to 3 things that most influenced you to become a Christian:
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
25. |
About how many have become Christians because you shared Christ with them?
Please select {0} response(s)
26. |
Check up to 3 things that most influenced you to attend this church:
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
27. |
About how many have become members or regular attenders of this church because of your influence?
Please select {0} response(s)
28. |
How often do you learn something helpful from the Bible because of this church?
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
29. |
How important is it that you feel loved by people or groups in this church?
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
30. |
How much do you feel loved by people or groups from this church?
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
31. |
How do you feel about your knowledge and use of spiritual gifts to serve Christ and His Church?
Spiritual gifts are given by the Lord to be used in Christian service.
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
32. |
What would you do if asked to give more money to this church?
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
33. |
Please describe your beliefs about the paid staff who lead or serve this church - ministers, pastors, priests, administrative or other:
34. |
Please describe your beliefs about the unpaid volunteer groups who lead or serve this church - teachers, board members, leaders or others:
35. |
How well does this church meet your spiritual needs?
Please select {0} response(s)
Other comments? An answer is required
36. |
Are you the only person who will answer the rest of the questions about your entire family or house?
Note: You should only answer the remainder of this survey if you answer "Yes" to the above question!
Please select {0} response(s)