Constructive Thinking Free Profile

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The Constructive Thinking Profile - Free Version is a tool designed to give you a broad overview of how constructive your thinking may be or not. Because our thinking plays such a crucial role in how our lives end up looking, becoming more aware of the quality of your thinking is extremely valuable. Such awareness is crucial to freeing yourself from dysfunctional ways of thinking and being able to live life consciously – the way you were always meant to live it. The Constructive Thinking Profile is a self-help instrument and not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool in any way.

All questions are answered on a 5-point scale where 0 = Not at All and 4 = Absolutely Agree. For each response, answer as honestly as possible with your initial reaction as to what extent the statement resonates with your experience.

The Constructive Thinking Profile contains 24 questions. You do have the option of resuming the survey should you need to stop prior to finishing it. Upon completion, you will receive an email where you can access your scores. 

If you are ready, proceed to the next page to begin.

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