
Personality Type

Planning & Organization
Which description fits you best? ✱
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You need time, over-prepare and hate pressure 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You're scatty, forgetful and disorganised 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You are a perfectionist and can't leave anything unfinished 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You put things off till the last minute and are often late 
What happens when your local supermarket moves the food to different aisles? ✱
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You would notice and it would really bother you 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You would notice, but you simply change the order in which you shop 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You would notice, but it wouldn't bother you as you have no set routine 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You probably wouldn't notice 
When you go on holiday, what do you prefer to do? ✱
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 Plan every detail in advance 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 Plan a rough itinerary in advance, leaving some time free 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 Look at a few options in advance, but only really decide when you're there 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You rarely plan, just book at the last minute and go with the flow 
When you buy a new item that needs assembly, what do you do? ✱
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 Before you start, you check that all the components are there and that you have the tools you will need 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You read through the instructions carefully first and then follow them step by step 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You scan the instructions, although you don't always follow them exactly 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You leap in, only referring to the instructions if you get stuck 
What statement best describes how you do your regular grocery shop? ✱
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You make a detailed list of everything you need to buy 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You make a rough list to jog your memory 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You don't make a list, as you think it's a waste of time 
c3dc516458ce4b48afeaf13f74522122 You don't do a regular shop, you just go when you need to 

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