The Veterans Administration (VA) Office of Rural Health developed three videos for those supporting Veterans who may exhibit Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at the End of Life. We would very much value your feedback.
Which video did you watch? (Check all that apply)
 Recognizing PTSD (In early visits, providers begin to recognize symptoms of PTSD)
 Responding to trauma disclosure (provider listens empathically to female veteran story)
 Cognitive impairment and PTSD (provider uses grounding technique during male veteran's flashback)
 Not sure.
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In terms of your experience with Veterans with PTSD at the End of Life, what was ...
(Please be as specific as possible - telling us which part/ which film - if you can!)
MOST helpful about these videos? | An answer is required | |
LEAST helpful about these videos? | An answer is required | |
How do you plan to use these?
Check all that apply.
 Watch myself for my own education
 Share with healthcare workers
 Share with a Veteran
 Share with family members
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Other An answer is required
If we were to do more videos about working with Veterans with PTSD at the end of life, what topics would be most helpful?
| An answer is required | |
Are you a ....
 Family member
 Hospice and Palliative care healthcare professional
 Other healthcare professional
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