Members of the American Geriatrics Society, We request your participation in a brief online survey about your experiences working with socially isolated and vulnerable elderly patients.
Purpose: The “AGS Position Statement: Making Medical Treatment Decisions for Unbefriended Older Adults”1 hich proposed policy and practice guidelines for patients who are “unbefriended” or at risk for becoming so. We want to learn more about your experiences working with such patients and the strategies you have developed. Information about the survey: - It’s completely voluntary.
- Your answers will remain anonymous – no identifying information will be collected about your or your patients. Your IP address will not be collected.
- It will take about 15 minutes to complete.
- The survey is being distributed to the AGS membership nationwide (approx. 5,000 members).
- At the end of the survey, if you are interested, you may enter a drawing to win a free iPad.
- The project has been reviewed and approved by the Research and Institutional Review Board Committees of VA Boston Healthcare System and the Ethics Committee and executive board of the American Geriatrics Society.
- The project received funding from the Guardianship Policy Institute.
We are eager to gain your valuable perspective on these important issues. Sincerely, Timothy Farrell, M.D., AGSF University of Utah School of Medicine VA Salt Lake City Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center Eric Widera, M.D. University of California, San Francisco San Francisco VAMC Aanand Naik, M.D. Baylor College of Medicine Michael E. DeBakey VAMC Jennifer Moye, Ph.D., ABPP New England Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center Harvard Medical School Casey Catlin, M.A. Boston VA Research Institute, Inc. Boston VAMC 1Farrell, T., Widera, E., Rosenberg, L., Rubin, C.D., Naik, A.D., Braun, U., Torke, A., Li, I., Vitale, C., Shega, J.; Ethics, Clinical Practice and Models of Care, and Public Policy Committees of the AGS. AGS Position Statement: Making Medical Treatment Decisions for Unbefriended Older Adults. Journal of the Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 Nov 22; doi: 10.1111/jgs.14586. PMID:27874181.
We will use the following definitions from the AGS position statement. Some find these problematic – we’ll ask you more about this later.
An "unbefriended older adult" is a person who: (a) lacks decisional capacity to provide informed consent; (b) has not executed an advance directive; (c) lacks a legal surrogate (e.g., is without a family / friends - isolated, estranged, bereaved - and there is not a professional acting in that role) An "adult orphan" is an older adult at risk of becoming unbefriended who: (a) currently retains decisional capacity; (b) has not executed an advance directive; (c) lacks a legal surrogate (e.g. is without a family / friends - isolated, estranged, bereaved - and there is not a professional acting in that role)
Therefore, both a person considered "unbefriended" and an "adult orphan" are isolated and lack advance directives. The difference is that the term "unbefriended" is used to describe a person who currently lacks capacity, whereas an "adult orphan" retains capacity.
What is the clinical setting you work in most often?
Outpatient - home or clinic based
Outpatient - other
Inpatient - acute care
Inpatient - rehab / subacute
Inpatient - long term care
Inpatient - other
An answer is required
What is your panel size (outpatient) or average daily census (inpatient)?
If your primary work setting is INPATIENT, please answer the questions below, #3 - #12. If your primary work setting is OUTPATIENT or LONG TERM CARE, please skip to question #13. If you work in both INPATIENT and OUTPATIENT or LONG TERM CARE, you may answer all questions if you wish.
Definition Reminder. An "unbefriended older adult" > No decisional capacity > No advanced directive > No legal surrogate (family or professional)
Before this survey, had you heard of the term "unbefriended"?
An answer is required
In the past year, how often have you cared for an "unbefriended" older adult?
Weekly (>1 time per week)
Monthly (1-3 times per month)
Quarterly (3-4 times per year)
Annually (1 time per year)
An answer is required
Have your unbefriended patients/ your team faced any of these problems?
Prolonged hospital stay, past a medically necessary point | | | | |
Delay in treatment or surgery | | | | |
Delay in appropriately transitioning the patient to hospice or end of life care | | | | |
Unable to provide the patient something that may improve quality of life | | | | |
Delay in authorizing charges/coverage for care | | | | |
Loss of rehabilitation ability/potential in patient | | | | |
We had to continue with what seemed like medically non-beneficial care | | | | |
I experienced personal distress because of an inability to act in my professional role | | | | |
The patient was in physical or psychological distress | | | | |
Other: describe below | | | | |
Your entries do not add to the required value
If Other, please describe - also any additional comments? An answer is required
Please briefly describe a recent example of a situation you encountered with an unbefriended older adult. What was challenging about working with this patient? How did you proceed?
For example: “An adult with dementia and without known family or friends lacked consent capacity. Nursing home placement was recommended to facilitate rehabilitation from a hip fracture. The nursing home would not accept the patient without a legal surrogate. The patient remained in the inpatient setting for 68 days. It was difficult to manage him on the inpatient setting due to his wandering and other dementia-related behaviors.”
| An answer is required | |
What practices, strategies, or resources have you used to meet the needs of unbefriended older adults in your practice/ institution?
| An answer is required | |
Many find the term “unbefriended” to be stigmatizing, undesirable, or not adequately descriptive. Alternatives are often wordy (e.g., “incapacitated, isolated, and unrepresented”). Do you have suggestions for a different term to describe an older adult who lacks decisional capacity, lacks advance directives, and lacks a legal surrogate?
| An answer is required | |
Below is a list of possible alternative terms for “unbefriended” (adult who lacks decisional capacity, lacks advance directives, and lacks family or friends able to serve as surrogate).
Please rank your top three choices (1-most desirable) for an alternative term.
Unrepresented adult | | | |
Incapacitated and alone | | | |
Vulnerable isolated adult | | | |
Unaccompanied adult | | | |
Solitary adult | | | |
Incapacitated adult without advocates | | | |
Surrogate-less | | | |
Proxy-less | | | |
Proxy Vacans (Latin for "vacant proxy") | | | |
Non Advocatus (Latin for "no advocate") | | | |
Non Surrogatus (Latin for "no surrogate") | | | |
Non Amicum (Latin for "no friend") | | | |
Adultum Solum (Latin for "alone adult") | | | |
None of these - I prefer the term "unbefriended" | | | |
Your entries do not add to the required value
What is your highest professional degree?
An answer is required
What U.S. state do you practice in?
Optional: If you would be interested in participating in a future focus group or interview to discuss these topics in greater depth, please leave your name and contact information (email address or phone number) so we may follow up with you.
| An answer is required | |
OUTPATIENT & LONG TERM CARE survey begins here
Definition Reminder. An "unbefriended older adult" > No decisional capacity > No advanced directive > No legal surrogate (family or professional)
Before this survey, had you heard of the term "unbefriended"?
An answer is required
In the past year, how often have you cared for an "unbefriended" older adult?
Weekly (>1 time per week)
Monthly (1-3 times per month)
Quarterly (3-4 times per year)
Annually (1 time per year)
An answer is required
Which clinical situations have brought a patient’s unbefriended status to your attention?
Consent for medical procedure | | | | |
Concern re: medication self-management | | | | |
Concern re: safety | | | | |
Concern re: driving | | | | |
Elder Abuse/ Adult Protective issue | | | | |
Advance care planning process | | | | |
Other: please describe below | | | | |
Your entries do not add to the required value
If other, please describe - also any additional comments? An answer is required
Please briefly describe a recent example of a situation you encountered with an unbefriended older adult. What was challenging about working with this patient? How did you proceed? (Note: do not include any identifying information).
For example: “An adult with dementia and without known family or friends lacked consent capacity. Nursing home placement was recommended to facilitate rehabilitation from a hip fracture. The nursing home would not accept the patient without a legal surrogate. The patient remained in the inpatient setting for 68 days. It was difficult to manage him on the inpatient setting due to his wandering and other dementia-related behaviors.”
| An answer is required | |
What practices, strategies, or resources have you used to meet the needs of unbefriended older adults in your practice/ institution?
| An answer is required | |
Many find the term “unbefriended” to be stigmatizing, undesirable, or not adequately descriptive. Alternatives are often wordy (e.g., “incapacitated, isolated, and unrepresented”). Do you have suggestions for a different term to describe an older adult who lacks decisional capacity, lacks advance directives, and lacks a legal surrogate?
| An answer is required | |
Below is a list of possible alternative terms for “unbefriended” to describe an older adult who lacks decisional capacity, lacks advance directives, and lacks family or friends able to serve as surrogate.
Please rank your top three choices (1-most desirable) for an alternative term.
Unrepresented adult | | | |
Incapacitated and alone | | | |
Vulnerable isolated adult | | | |
Unaccompanied adult | | | |
Solitary adult | | | |
Incapacitated adult without advocates | | | |
Surrogate-less | | | |
Proxy-less | | | |
Proxy Vacans (Latin for “vacant proxy”) | | | |
Non Advocatus (Latin for “no advocate”) | | | |
Non Surrogatus (Latin for “no surrogate”) | | | |
Non Amicum (Latin for “no friend”) | | | |
Adultum Solum (Latin for “alone adult”) | | | |
None of these – I prefer the term “unbefriended” | | | |
Your entries do not add to the required value
ADULT ORPHANS: These final questions seek your input on ways to prevent “adult orphans” from becoming unbefriended.
Definition Reminder. An "adult orphan" > Has decisional capacity > No advanced directive > No legal surrogate (family or professional)
Are there things you do to identify adult orphans in your practice / institution?
An answer is required
If you have instituted or could envision a process, please describe: An answer is required
What would your practice need in order to better identify adult orphans and prevent them from becoming unbefriended? Check all that apply (if any).
Advance care planning supported by Medicare reimbursement
Care manager
Social worker
Pathway to partner with community or volunteer agency
Please select {0} response(s)
Please specify An answer is required
Many find the term “adult orphan” to be stigmatizing, undesirable, or not adequately descriptive. Do you have suggestions for a different term to describe an older adult who retains decisional capacity, has not executed an advance directive, and lacks a legal surrogate?
| An answer is required | |
Below is a list of possible alternative terms for “adult orphan” to describe an older adult who retains decisional capacity, has not executed an advance directive, and lacks a legal surrogate. Please rank your top three choices (1-most desirable) for an alternative term.
Elder orphan | | | |
Isolated vulnerable adult | | | |
Lone elder | | | |
Isolated adult at risk | | | |
Adult without advocates | | | |
Unprotected adult | | | |
Companionless | | | |
Solitary adult | | | |
Solo adult | | | |
Proxy Vacans (Latin for “vacant proxy”) | | | |
Non Advocatus (Latin for “no advocate”) | | | |
Non Surrogatus (Latin for “no surrogate”) | | | |
Non Amicum (Latin for “no friend”) | | | |
Adultum Solum (Latin for “alone adult”) | | | |
None of these – I prefer the term “adult orphan” | | | |
Your entries do not add to the required value
What is your highest professional degree?
Other: specify:
An answer is required
Please specify An answer is required
What U.S. state do you practice in?
Optional: If you would be interested in participating in a future focus group or interview to discuss these topics in greater depth, please leave your name and contact information (email address or phone number) so we may follow up with you.
| An answer is required | |
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