Use condition operators
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Conditions are used for defining skip logic, page conditions, and report filtering. Conditions are defined through their operands and operator. The operators available are as follows:

1/ Has an answer

The condition is true if the referenced item has an answer. For  questions other than matrix questions, any selection of item or data entry for the question makes the condition true. For matrix question, a specific matrix segment, row, and column can be specified. If so, the operator applies to the specified combination (e.g., a specific row for the matrix, or a specific row, segment, and column).

2/ Does not have an answer

The condition is true if a condition constructed with the same operands and with operator "Has an answer" is false.

3/ Is

The condition is true if the answer to the referenced item is exactly as specified.

For example, consider a multiple choice question with options 'blue', 'red', 'yellow', and 'green' and condition:

Q Is  'blue', 'green'

If the respondent selects both 'blue' and 'green' and no other option, the condition will be true. For any other response, the condition will be false.

4/ Is not

The condition is true if a condition constructed with the same operands and with operator "Is" is false.

5/ Contains all

The condition is true if the answer to the referenced item contains all of the specified options. The answer may also contain additional options not specified in the condition.

For example, consider a multiple choice question with options 'blue', 'red', 'yellow', and 'green' and condition:

Q Contains  'blue', 'green'

If the respondent selects both 'blue' and 'green'. The condition is true. It is also true if the respondent selects 'blue', 'green', and 'yellow'. It is false for 'blue' and 'yellow', or for 'blue'.

6/ Does not contain

The condition is true if a condition constructed with the same operands and with operator "Contains" is false.

7/ Is a subset of

The condition is true if the answer to the referenced item contains some or all of the specified options and does not contain options not specified in the condition.

For example, consider a multiple choice question with options 'blue', 'red', 'yellow', and 'green' and condition:

Q Is a subset of  'blue', 'green'

If the respondent selects both 'blue' and 'green'. The condition is true. It is also true if the respondent selects 'blue'. It is false for 'blue' and 'yellow'.

8/ Is not a subset of

The condition is true if a condition constructed with the same operands and with operator "Is a subset of" is false.

9/ Greater than

The condition is true if the answer to the referenced item is strictly greater than the specified value.

For example, consider an open ended question with a numeric (or date) value condition:

Q Greater than 10

If the respondent answers 11, the condition is true. It is false for a response of 9 or a response of 10.

10/ Greater than or equal

The condition is true if the answer to the referenced item is greater than or equal to the specified value.

For example, consider an open ended question with a numeric (or date) value condition:

Q Greater than or equal 10

If the respondent answers 11 or 10, the condition is true. It is false for a response of 9.

11/ Less than

The condition is true if a condition constructed with the same operands and with operator "Greater than or equal" is false.

12/ Less than or equal

The condition is true if a condition constructed with the same operands and with operator "Greater than" is false.

13/ Started

The condition is true is the response has any answer or if the participant have reached any page in the survey other than the first page.

14/ Completed

The condition is true every time the participant reaches the completion page for the survey. For resumable surveys, the condition can be true more than once.

15/ Not completed

The condition is true for responses where the participant has not reached the completion page for the survey.

16/ Resumed

The condition is true when the participant resumes a response started in a prior session.

17/ Between

The condition is true if the answer or value is between the lower and upper bounds specified for the condition.

For example, consider condition on a score:

Score Between 100 And 200

If for a given response, the score is 150, then the condition is true. If the score is 90, the condition is false.

18/ Defined

The condition is true if the parameter specified for the condition has a value. If the parameter is specified in the URL provided to the respondent but there is not value for the parameter (e.g., &pp=), then the condition is false.

19/ Not defined

The condition is true if the parameter specified in the condition does not appear in the URL provided to the respondent or if the parameter is defined with not value.

20/ Matches

The condition is true if the value for the parameter specified in the condition contains the value specified for the condition. The match is performed in a case insensitive manner.

For example, for URL ...&pp=Massachusetts

Condition pp matches Chu is true

Condition pp matches Chu1 is false