Templates - Layout
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The layout tab defines the structure of the template. The major areas in a template are shown in the figure below. Specific fields in the layout tab act affect the visual appearance of these areas.

Option position with title controls the vertical position of the logo relative to the vertical position of the title for the survey. If the option is not set, the logo is shown above the title. If the option is  set the logo is at the same vertical position as the title.


Position with title not set

Position with title set

       Header and questions color:

               Header background color: The background color for the header area.

               Question background color: The background color for the question page.

       Single color and image:


Header and questions background color: The color to use for the background of the combined header and question areas.

Header and questions background image, Image repeat: The image to use for the background of the combined header and questions areas. The repeat of the image along the vertical and horizontal dimensions is determined by option 'Image repeat'        


The question and header area may be either surrounded by a border or have rounded corners. These areas cannot have both rounded corners and a border.


radius 12 

radius 20 


0% opacity

50% opacity

100% opacity

The options available are:

Show marker: specifies if required questions are identified

Marker text: the text to add at the end of the question to designate it as required. By default, an asterisk character is used.

Marker font: the font for the marker text

Size: the size for the marker text. The size should equal or smaller than the size of the font for the question text to avoid offsets in the positioning of the question title.

Weight: the weight for the marker text

Color: the color for the marker text