Shorthand notation
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Throughout Novi Survey, surveys, pages, questions, answers, matrix rows and matrix columns in surveys may be referenced with the following notation:

Sx-, where 'x' is the deployment ID for the survey. For example S4n- references survey with deployment ID '4n'

Pn, where n is an integer, indicates the nth page in the survey. For example P2 references the 2nd page in the survey

PnQr, where n and r are integers, indicates the rth question in the nth page in the survey. For example, P2Q3 references the 3rd question in the 2nd page in the survey.

PnEr, where n and r are integers, has the same meaning as PnQr (see above) with the difference that the reference is to a presentation element rather than to a question.

Qr the rth question within a page or a library

Er the rth presentation element within a page or a library

An the nth answer for a question or a matrix column, as applicable. For example, P2Q3A2 references the 2nd answer defined for question P2Q3

T the comment answer for a question. For example P2Q3T references the comment answer for question P2Q3

AN the 'not applicable' answer for a question. For example P2Q3AN references answer 'not applicable' for question P2Q3

ANT the reason associated to the 'not applicable' answer. For example P2Q3ANT references the reason associated with the 'not applicable' answer for the question.

AO the 'other' answer for a multiple choice question. For example P2Q3AO references the 'other' answer for multiple choice question P2Q3.

AOT the free text field associated with the 'other' answer for a multiple choice question. For example P2Q3AOT references the free text field associated to the 'other' answer for question P2Q3.

Mn the nth matrix segment for a matrix question. For example P2Q3M2 references the  2nd matrix segment for matrix question P2Q3.

Rn the nth row for a matrix question. For example P2Q3R2 references the 2nd row for matrix question P2Q3

Cn the nth column for a matrix segment. For example P2Q3M2C3 references the 3rd column for the matrix segment P2Q3M2.

CN the 'not applicable' option  for a rating matrix segment. For example P2Q3M2CN references the 'not application' option for rating matrix segment P2Q3M2.

The references to sub-elements of a question can be combined following the natural nesting for the question type.

For example, S4n-P2Q3M2R1C3A4 is a reference to the 4th answer for the 3rd column in the 2nd matrix segment and to the 1st row of the 3rd question of the 2nd page for survey with deployment ID '4n.