Leading as Love Self-Awareness Profile

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Quite simply what’s on the inside – values, beliefs and assumptions – shows up on the outside in our decisions, behaviors and actions, our experiences, relationships and interactions. That is, our behaviors are expressions of our conscious and unconscious thoughts. So a first step in growth and self-mastery is both inner and outer self-awareness.
How do we choose to be known? What are our intentions, our commitments for action?
Intentions are based in our values, beliefs and assumptions and our needs, wants and desires. Our intentions are steadfast commitments to a way of being – the integration of thought, feeling, word and action – which is the hallmark of integrity. Integrity and its outward expression, authenticity, means acting consistently with our intentions, our conscious commitments to bring something into being. We hold ourselves accountable for our commitments and we can master our intentions more fully by reflecting on our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
Leading as Love is an intention where love – care, understanding, respect and responsiveness – is fundamental as a philosophy and approach to leading because we choose for love to permeate all aspects of our lives, who we are and what we do.  It is not tied to specific people or objects.  Love is given freely and equally to all.

Leading as Love frees our inherent creativity and fosters our growth and mastery. Leading as Love is the essential catalyst for breakthrough and sustained performance and results in every form we seek and can imagine, including engagement, innovation and prosperity; it generates the ultimate ROI. It is both the focus and source of fulfillment – purpose, contribution, self-determination and growth. It is a state of being that permeates all aspects of one’s life; it is not just something we do, it is who we are and what we stand for. Leading as Love is the context for how we choose to live our lives; it is what gives our life purpose and meaning. Leading as Love is a commitment to be a fully realized human being and to invite everyone to express their greatness as well.
The Leading as Love Self-Awareness Profile helps us to look in the mirror and become more aware of what's on the inside and what it can look like on the outside.